Curriculum Detail
Screen Description
The Curriculum Detail screen provides information about an existing curriculum.
Curriculum Details
Curriculum abbreviation
Name of the curriculum
Academic Area
Academic area for which the curriculum is set up (each curriculum can only have one academic area)
The major (or more majors) within the selected academic area for which the curriculum is set up
The department whose curriculum managers should be able to edit the curriculum
Curriculum Classifications
The curriculum classifications show numbers of students in particular semesters of study, including projected numbers or last-like enrollment.
Name of the academic classification, i.e., of the semester in which the students will be
Academic classification
Last-Like Enrollment
Number of students from given majors who were enrolled in the courses of this curriculum in the last-like semester
Projected by Rule
Number of students as projected in the Curriculum Projection Rules page (calculated and entered by administrators)
Requested Enrollment
Expected number of students in the given classification who will follow this curriculum
Current Enrollment
Number of students of this curriculum (i.e., who have the majors from this curriculum) currently enrolled in the courses of this curriculum
Note: There is an option to Hide empty columns / Show all columns for the table (when applicable - i.e., when there are classifications with no last-like or requested enrollments) - see the bottom right end of the table, the shaded text. Click on the text to perform the task the text describes.
Course Projections
Groups of courses created by the manager of this curriculum (to indicate if the courses have students in common or not)
To sort by group
Click on the "Group" column header
In the menu that opens, click on "Sort by Group"
Abbreviations of all the courses in the curriculum
After clicking on the column header "Course", the following options appear in a menu
Show Percentages
Display percentages of the Requested Enrollment number instead of numbers of students
Displayed only when the table shows numbers
Show Numbers
Switch back from percentages to numbers
Displayed only when the table shows percentages
Show Last-Like Enrollment
Show numbers of students from above majors who took the course during the last-like semester
Show Projection by Rule
Show estimated numbers of students derived from projections for majors
Show Current Enrollment
Display the number of students of this curriculum who are enrolled in the course
Show Empty Courses
Display courses with zero students
Hide Empty Courses
Do not display courses with zero students
Sort by Course
Sort the Course Projections table by the course abbreviation (alphabetic order)
Academic Classification
For each academic classification, the requested enrollment number is displayed for each course
An academic classification is displayed in the table only if there is a requested enrollment number in the appropriate column in the Curriculum Classification section of this screen
After clicking on a header of a column related to an academic classification, a menu appears; the first set of options is described above (in the Course header section); the last option is to sort the Course Projections table by that column
Edit (Alt+E)
Go to the Edit Curriculum screen to make changes to this curriculum
Displayed only for authorized users
Previous (Alt+P)
Go to the Curriculum Detail screen for the previous curriculum
Next (Alt+N)
Go to the Curriculum Detail screen for the next curriculum
Delete (Alt+D)
Delete the curriculum and go back to the Curricula screen
Displayed only for authorized users
Print (Alt+T)
Print the Curriculum Detail screen
Back (Alt+B)
Go back to the Curricula screen